2009年8月26日 星期三



WPBSA有鑒於日漸氾濫的147滿分,擬自2011年起新增一灰色的八分球,此球將置於原來四分球的位置(brown spot),而四分球將移至原四分位和五分球位置(blue spot)的中間。如此一來,滿分將提高為170分,且由於八分球與紅球的位置更遠,使得滿分更為不易。




Once the new grey ball is introduced, it will be very difficult, a new grey ball will be on the table from 2011 which will go on the brown spot, 8 points, the new brown spot will be between the old brown spot and blue spot New maximum 170, The wpbsa have decided that the 147 is too easy and there are too many of them, the black and reds are too close together, and public intrest is waining as a result, , the wpbsa, are consitering removing 5 reds off the table to make centuries more dificult.

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